Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like preperation

Our big finale for Elk Meadows was to put on a reading of "Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like". 

The second to last week we did a lesson that introduced the story and they paired up to create different dragons after I showed them the slide show seen below of many different dragons.
This is to introduce the idea that there are many different kinds of dragons. 
The reading went so well! We had two different casts and Cathy Douglas also made costumes for the reading and seen below you can see how they also created some wonderful sets!

Final Performance

This was such an amazing performance and I was so impressed by the showmanship of all the students. Everyone did such a great job and the audience enjoyed the show very much. I was especially glad my professor, Teresa Love and our Drama in the Classroom class, could all be there together and they could give me feed back as to what they were able to see. Teresa pointed out that she saw real camaraderie and friendship and kindness among the students of Mr. Loree's class. He did an amazing job casting the show. He is a very gifted teacher and I loved working with him.